Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What would you do for quick cash?

Take part in game shows?

Which would you choose?

1. Amazing Race
2. Deal or no Deal
3. Fear Factor
4. Be a Millionaire
5. Survival

What else?

Was watching Fear Factor (Psycho) and it was crazy to see the participants catching african roaches that makes a hissing sound and eating camel spiders. And this was not the last part of the show. Can't imagine what else they would have to do.

Would you?

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Web 2.0 and other programs

I attended a course during the sept break about using ICT tools. The class was exposed to many web 2.0 websites including using blogger specifically as a learning tool. After the course, i was so intrigued by the programs that i began to try them one by one. Not that i tried all that was introduced, but i think it is more than enough. Anyway, i would not have the time to do so anymore once school starts again.

The ones that i have "touched" were, pageflakes, bloglines, vox and my yahoo! aggregator. And i decided that i will stick to my blogspot instead of starting another one on vox, even though vox offers nicer themes and backgrounds. But familiarity with blogspot is still much preferred. =) As for the use of aggregator to check updated websites and blogs of friends, it has been quite useful so far. I must say that this course has been beneficial and has triggered off some ideas to use ICT tools more in my work.

I started one webpage on pageflakes for a class and am hoping that it can be used. But thinking about it again, the school is already offering leadportal (as brought up by my dear wife, might as well use it since students already have their own account, no need to set up another one for them on pageflakes). I guess everything would be put on hold first until i have more time to get this sorted. Who knows... maybe have everything on blogspot?

Recreation Lane

It was one weekday morning and i was taking a bus to school. I passed by this road that says Recreation Lane somewhere near PLMC. I was just thinking to myself if the people staying along this road are people who enjoy life and place recreation as a high priority in their life. I also wondered if the people staying there are friendly, whether they will organise BBQs with neighbours... etc.

Just some fillie falla thoughts... But i guess it would be nice if i can have a place along that road and really make it a recreation lane. It's private housing btw. =) And i wondered who named that road as recreation lane. Some historical background to that place? Anyone knows? Singapore street names can really be interesting sometimes.