Saturday, February 9, 2008

Holiday in Chiangmai

It was a much needed break. The weather was great and it was cool most of the time. Each night, we would be going to night markets and see if there are things that are worth buying. Most of the things we saw were relatively cheap coupled with the currency exchange rate. I bought 2 pairs of jeans for the price of maybe one pair in singapore. The material is good and the cut is interesting. I really like it. I also designed my own slippers and this is how it looks like:

We went for a day tour comprising of an elephant show and ride, ox-cart ride, river rafting and a lunch buffet. We also went shopping and had about 4 massages! (We stayed there only for 1 week)

The next time we are going for a holiday would be at least 1 year plus from now because baby girl will come into our arms in May. Even though i would miss going on holiday with my wife, it will be a different and wonderful experience for us as we learn how to care for the baby. One thing is for sure, the next holiday will be a good one! The caribbeans? NZ?

1 comment:

Jinx Neo said...

hi mr wong, jinx here... long time no chat

its a nice slipper u have there

oh & congratz on having a baby girl